In this topic you’ll read about recent discovery made by WHO about “Forever Chemicals” how dangerous these chemicals will be. The World Health Organization (WHO) has established fundamental standards for the quality of water. When developing their water regulatory rules and establishing the minimum standard for water quality, several nations consult this blueprint.
Every nation has its own set of regulations; for example, drinking water that is deemed safe in one nation may not be in the United States.
Even yet, each year a number of people are harmed by contaminated water. For example, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimated that illnesses transferred by water cause illness in approximately 7.2 million Americans.
The name Forever Chemicals refers to the most recent discovery. Forever chemicals are found in water that nearly all Americans drink and are tough for the environment to naturally decompose. This is due to the fact that they are frequently utilized to create goods that are resistant to heat, oil, and grease, among other things.
What are Forever Chemicals?
Tap water can be contaminated by numerous dangerous substances, such as radon, lead, and arsenic, rendering it unfit for human consumption. Sometimes carelessness or inadequate testing results in contaminated water. These kinds of water contaminations, such as the catastrophe that occurred during the Camp Lejeune water disaster, are frequently fatal.
It is estimated that between 153 and 1987, nearly a million individuals were exposed to these hazardous substances, in an extreme case of water contamination. Symptoms of the Camp Lejeune water contamination crisis are Leukemia, liver cancer, lung cancer, and other disease.
It was discovered that the water supply at Camp Lejeune was contaminated by Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs). Degreasers, cleaning agents, and more than 70 additional substances that are harmful to our health were among these VOCs.
According to more recent research, “forever chemicals” are still present in our water systems today.
Forever chemicals are used in a lot of production processes, such as sewage treatment plants, car washes, and chemical companies. These operations leave behind toxins that eventually find their way into the water supply. Based on the investigations carried out by CDC specialists, it seems that the exposure is common among Americans.
Forever chemicals is the term used to refer to Per-and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS). These are parts of several items that we use on a regular basis. PFAS can be found in a multitude of things around you, including your clothes, furnishings, even the delivery bag your food came in.
PFAS have the ability to pass through soils and decompose very slowly in the natural environment. This is one way that drinking water is contaminated with persistent chemicals, or PFAS.
The Effect on Our Health
People have likely been exposed to forever chemicals for a considerable amount of time if the source of forever chemicals mentioned above is reliable. This is true, although studies on their impacts are very new.
Studies have not yet been able to establish a connection between persistent chemicals and a variety of cancer forms. Though not yet proven, there are some preliminary signs that suggest a higher risk of renal and testicular cancer.
PFAS has been shown in another investigation to have an impact on female fertility. The results emphasized thyroid, breast, and reproductive problems. It was shown that there is also an increased risk of PCOS.
How to Purify Your Water?
The TorHoerman Law enumerates the steps taken to ensure the safety of tap water in the United States. Strict guidelines for drinking water were ensured by the passage of the Safe Drinking Water Act and the Clean Water Act.
However, since scientists are still learning everything there is to know about the impact of persistent chemicals on human health, it is prudent to exercise caution. Three strategies have been established by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) as viable ways to eliminate persistent pollutants from our drinking water.
- High-Pressure Membranes: Two applications for high-pressure membranes in filtration are reserve osmosis and nanofiltration. Water is moved via several membranes in this area. Contaminants such as permanent chemicals are kept back while clean water is permitted to flow through.
- PFAS that are negatively charged are attracted to positively charged ions through the process of ion exchange. The positively charged ions in the water hold back per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) while pure water flows through.
- Treatment with Activated Carbon: A lot of water purifiers use activated carbon. Here, activated carbon is used to filter the water and assist remove impurities. Activated carbon is already used in a lot of water filters.
Research occasionally reveals hitherto undiscovered ways in which humans could be exposed to dangerous substances. One such instance is Forever Chemicals. If your water filtration system is not outfitted with the aforementioned treatment alternatives, it may be worthwhile to upgrade, even though research on them is still in its early phases. It is important to remember that replacing your water filtration system might be costly.
Looking for things in your home that contain PFAS is another precaution you may take to keep yourself and your loved ones safe. Finding substitutes free of pervasive artificial fertilizers (PFAS) could help lessen the amount of chemicals that contaminate water.