Have you heard of the famous Dragon Ball Z quote?! Don’t you lecture me with your $30 Website is because of the dialogue; don’t you lecture me with your $30 haircut.
It was only used as a joke and it caught on as one of the most iconic quotes in the entire series of Dragon Ball Z, which is why it even has its website dedicated to it. If you like to browse around and have fun, be sure to check out online and see if you can find all the different quotes scattered across the internet that are dragon ball z quotes from different characters in the series!
The Story Behind How This don’t you lecture me with your $30 website Came to Be
In 2007, Ed, a friend of the author found the quote If you spend 30 dollars on anything other than dragon ball z video games, you’re killing me on Reddit. I wanted to make this comment into a full website so that people could see it and share it easier.
Main sections of this site
Don’t you lecture me with your $30 website site itself, a directory of sites that consider being important, useful, or just amusing in some way, and an RSS feed of the newest posts from all these sites. They don’t run ads, but there’s a donate button if you feel like giving them money. When you visit the site for the first time, they ask for your email address because this is how they let you know when new updates happen.
Fun Facts About don’t you lecture me with your $30 website
- It was created by one man, who had no intention of generating an income from this site but was rather just to entertain himself as well as provide entertainment for his friends.
- What started as an idea to use interesting quotes from the show turned into an unexpected success when it became known on social media for using cleverly photoshopped images that made some people laugh and others cringe.
- Though most people used the website for entertainment purposes, it also served to help children in their studies or remind adults of quotes from the show that they may have forgotten over time.
- They also have cool drawings by an artist who goes by The Kronks!
- I found out that there was an animated mini-series called Dragon ball Z: where at the beginning of each fight you could see different pictures with text underneath it, very similar to what this website has!
- This is not just a website, can express feelings, and everything you are going through in a cringe way
Best Use of this Website
Don’t you lecture me about your $30 website, is a very good website for memers because they share it with their friends for fun.
- You can use this website to meme people, like when you think their story was dumb so you can post No Holds Barred Bro to the comment section.
- Use it to remind people of those things they said in high school that they probably didn’t mean but there’s always that one person who does things just for attention, post with hashtags #dontyoulectureme or #dontlecturemebruh.
- Let this website be an informative reminder of all the bars/clubs in your area, so next time you want to go out with friends and don’t know where any are located, just browse through the search bar until one pops up!
- If you’re mad at someone and need some material to send them that will make them, think twice about doing something else stupid again, use this website as a resource because what could be more effective than poking fun at someone while showing them their mistakes?
- If you ever find yourself lonely and craving some company – click on people near me and make new friends! Who knows? They might live right down the street from you!
Use it at work
I work at an office and we have plenty of time to talk about things other than work. One of my co-workers likes to make jokes. One day, they said: you’re paying me $30 now. Another co-worker responded with I’m not giving you anything because she thought it was just a joke.
The person who made the joke said it was from my mom as he walked away laughing hysterically with his friend following close behind. When I asked him what he meant, he said he had no idea how to explain it other than telling me to look up too sick on Urban Dictionary… so I did. It means both awesome and great. in some cases can also be used as an insult. During my search, this website, don’t you lecture me with your $30 website also comes and I found it funny.
Final Words…
Don’t you lecture me with your $30 website is a meme website or you can say cringe website. you can have fun and time pass. create memes and share them with friends. Developers used this website after web development or coding, when they to chill. When they work so much, they need a break or something funny that relaxes their mind or gossip with friends in the office. After relaxation their work efficiency increases.